The 6-Cup CM-6A Chemex Pour-Over Glass Coffeemaker when used together with the scientifically designed, patented CHEMEX® Bonded Filters, will guarantee that our pour over brewing process will deliver the perfect cup of coffee, without any sediments or bitter elements.
This unified series of kitchenwares by chemist and inventor Schlumbohm epitomizes the kitchen–as–laboratory concept—a hallmark of the interwar New Kitchen—as it continued beyond World War II. After immigrating to the United States from Germany in 1935, Schlumbohm created the famous Chemex coffeemaker, inspired in spirit by the Bauhaus school of design and in form by laboratory equipment such as the Erlenmeyer flask. A feature of James Bond's breakfast in From Russia with Love, this was the most successful design of the more than 300 he patented.
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