We currently work with about eight countries, each bringing unique coffees, compelling stories, and remarkable people.
Focusing on a smaller range
of countries allows us to
grow each relationship
intentionally, adding value
to the way we buy from each
producing partner.
As we grow, we continue to
explore new countries and
partnerships that align with
our values. This, we believe,
is paramount to a bona fide
sourcing program.
Transparency Report '24
At METRIC, we are dedicated to championing quality, transparency, and sustainability in every step of our coffee journey. As part of this commitment, we have gathered data from our 2024 green coffee purchasing and are making it available for your review.
As coffee roasters, we have the power to influence the value behind every cup. This document is our invitation for you to engage in this important conversation and help shape a more sustainable future for coffee.
Transparency Report '22-'23
We believe that quality, transparency, and sustainability go hand in hand. To uphold these values, we’ve compiled data from our 2022-2023 green coffee purchases and are making it available for your review.
As coffee roasters, we have a responsibility to consider the impact of the prices we pay—whether they sustain or undermine the future of coffee. This document is an invitation to join us in a crucial conversation about fairness, accountability, and the true cost of your daily cup.
Why Single-Origin Coffee Is So Expensive.
In 2023, our Co-Founder Xavier Alexander and Roasting Manager Hara Kumaran took part in a piece for Business Insider in a series called “So Expensive” where both Xavier and Hara cover the topic of Roasting and Sustainability in the coffee industry.
As most of you may have noticed, industry wide, coffee prices have surged (and continue to do so) without much context as to why it’s “So Expensive” and this piece does a wonderful job of explaining not only how the supply chain works but also how special coffee roasters value real trade equity and transparency in the supply chain.
For Metric, outside of our goal to sourcing, roasting and delivering quality coffee, our aim is to ensure that the small coffee farmers that we work with earn the premiums needed to be viable and stay working in coffee for years to come.
Source Code 01
Source Code focuses on showcasing the inner working of coffee sourcing, transparency, and sustainability. Geared toward readers who are critical of their love for Specialty Coffee, this inaugural issue covers many of their questions regarding origin, shipping, and pricing. Source Code would not be possible without the collaborative effort of Azahar Coffee, Olam, and coffee producer, Nelson Chaves, as well as the support of Savor Brands and Oatly.