Our process begins by thoughtfully sourcing high-quality coffee from small producers all over the world. We then roast each coffee using tried and tru methods to bring consistent flavor profiles to each batch - always focusing on drawing clean, sweet vibrancy in every brew.
Green Price
Green cost, milling, transport, taxes and exporting fees.
Importing fees and transport from the farm to Chicago, Illinois.
Our Cost of Production
Labor, Rent, Health Insurance, Paid Time Off
Per 10.5oz bag of coffee
Read The Source Code to learn more about price transparency in the coffee industry.
Proyecto Cabañas
Cabañas, Departamento La Paz , Honduras
- Producer Various
- Elevation 1650 MASL
- Process Washed
Quality means buying high quality coffees from established producers around the world.
Traceability gives recognition to the producers and validates where the coffee is grown, picked, and processed.
We endeavor to contextualize the importance of a fair and balanced trade through the prices we pay.
Paying More
As an Independent Specialty Coffee Roaster, we always pay well above the C-Market based on two factors; the quality of coffee and the cost of production.
Fair Wage
A fair wage begins with paying higher premiums to the coffee producer in tandem with providing competitive wages and benefits for our staff here at Metric.